房屋所有權狀正本、房屋所有權人身份證件正本、房屋所有權人印鑑證明、本人印鑑證明章、相關財力證明文件。 Bran hinted at this likely destiny hinted at early inside the episode when he tells Jaime he’s not indignant with him for pushing him from a window and paralyzing him during the very to star
房屋所有權狀正本、房屋所有權人身份證件正本、房屋所有權人印鑑證明、本人印鑑證明章、相關財力證明文件。 Bran hinted at this likely destiny hinted at early inside the episode when he tells Jaime he’s not indignant with him for pushing him from a window and paralyzing him during the very to star